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Meet Dr. TJ Gudilin

Finding a Solution With Chiropractic

Dr. TJ GudilinAs a young child, Dr. Gudilin or Dr. G, as he’s known, was having a temper tantrum. Walking down the stairs, he tripped, fell and took a painful hit from a closet at the base of the stairs. It split his head open and resulted in a hospital visit. Though he received stitches, nobody checked Dr. G’s neck. “If a tree is bent as it grows, it’ll grow crooked.” For the rest of his adolescence, his head grew at an inclination.

In eighth grade, nonstop headaches and dizziness left Dr. G unable to be as active in his rugby games as he wanted. He’d resort to wrapping a bandage around his head to stop the pulsating from migraines. His mother took him to the chiropractor. Immediately, Dr. G was struck by the sheer energy the chiropractor brought into the room.

After spending some time together, Dr. G learned that chiropractic could correct his shoulder and neck problems. He still remembers a day more than 20 years ago when he turned to his mother after being adjusted and said, “Mom, I want to be a chiropractor.”

Achieving a Doctor of Chiropractic

Since that time, Dr. G has been under regular care and no longer suffers from migraines. In his high school yearbook, it says that his future job is a chiropractor or pilot. He spent six years in the Canadian Air Force as a pilot, then went to chiropractic school at Life University West.

Initially, Dr. G specialized in sports injuries. As he continued his studies, however, he realized that no matter what the patient’s situation was, his care worked best when it was focused and specific to the individual.

The additional qualifications that Dr. G has include

  • (CSCS) Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach
  • (CPT) Certified Personal Trainer
  • (CCEP) Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner
  • (ICPA) International Chiropractic Pediatric Association Member
  • (CCA) California Chiropractic Association Member


A Year-Round Sports Fan

When he isn’t with patients, Dr. G loves watching sports with his Boston Terrier/Pug mix or spending time with friends and family. He is a fan of the Buffalo Bills, Winnipeg Jets and Toronto Blue Jays. He’s also trying to get into soccer by watching the San Jose Earthquakes games.

Free Consultations Available

If you’d like to learn more about what we do, contact our team today! We’ll get you scheduled for a complimentary consultation with Dr. G.


Dr. TJ Gudilin | (408) 559-1662